I know the title of this blog comes off as petty, especially from a Red Sox fan. Although, I do have plenty of personal stories to share that would validate my claims.
Getting a full beer thrown at me during a Red Sox/Yankee game by a 35-ish-year-old man is one. Not only was it insulting to me as a teetotaler (look it up and pretend you know the word,) but also, as a ten-year-old child, I did not think it was just.
Or, I could talk about the time as a 5th grader when Yankee fans at school took my Red Sox hat and threw it in the urinal. They are all bald and fat now, so Dean gets the last laugh there.
Or, most recently, when I had to park a vehicle in a, let’s just say, “not so savory” destination of the Bronx. I had to walk two miles to my destination through an area that again “was not so savory.” And, while they were most likely fentanyl addicts, getting chased for wearing a Red Sox hat would never happen to a Yankee fan in Boston.
No, this blog is an open letter to an unnamed person that I don’t know. I hope that he reads this. In a way, it is an intervention, so I thank you all for being a part of it.
Well, you see, he is one of those Yankee fans who says, “My Yankees.” Of course, this is a major red flag and should worry anyone. What’s more worrisome is if you asked him any actual history of the Yankees outside of “Mickey Mantle was great, right.” Or “Well, Babe Ruth was quite the slugger!” He is lost.
Now, I know what you are saying. “Well, Dean, isn’t this the average Yankee fan?” And while you would be right, this Yankee fan runs a baseball website :/.
Wanna know the only thing he/she posted when the Yankees won last night?
SPIKE LEE?!?!?!?!????
What kind of sick joke is this? Again, I don’t know this person. But I’m just concerned about how someone who says “my Yankees” and claims to run a baseball website will only post a Spike Lee gif when they advance to the World Series.
If I was this person, I would have pulled out my computer and or phone and written a blog to post when the Yankees won. Little life hack/advice to this person, you could pre-write the blog and then right before the game ends add some new details. Then, when the game ends BAM post the blog and throw it under some major posts on X. It would easily become this persons most clicked blog of their career.
Again, I’m just assuming. I don’t know this person. But I hope this advice helps them when it comes time for the World Series!
Also, just in case this person is thinking in their head “well I had a pre planned event this weekend.”
I am writing this blog on my phone surrounded by thousands of people with no WiFi at a pre planned event.
I think your title should say Why you hate SOME Yankee fans! We aren't all like that!! Of course we are brought up to hate Red Sox fans as you are brought up to hate Yankee fans. But as a Yankee fan I always appreciate a great play from another team!. I don't scream at other fans and would NEVER throw anything them. You should not lump all of us in with the ones that are disgusting and disrespectful and no way would I ever post a pic of Spike Lee!!! Also when we vacationed a few years in a row in Cape Cod I would not allow my son to wear any of his Yankee gear as the first year we were in a restaurant and a grown man told my son to take off his shirt, burn it, and never come back to Cape Cod again. He was 5!