I took a break from blogging for about three weeks as I closed up on the job I had been at for the past three years. I wanted to focus my energy on that as it felt like the right thing to do at the time. Did the Red Sox playing .500 baseball make it easier to skip some blogs? Yes.
Overall Takeaway
I almost bought tickets and drove up to Boston on three separate occasions during this series. I got as far as going on SeatGeek and using code “SkippersView” for $20 off my first purchase, but couldn’t decide when to go.
It felt like the Yankee fans were taking over Fenway Park. Disgusting, abhorrent, detestable, etc etc etc…. Then, as Juan Soto stepped to the plate last night, something changed. He took an inside pitch and did his stupid shuffle and state down of the pitcher. Yankee fans were cheering him along. I went to take out my phone to go to SeatGeek and use code “SkippersView” when suddenly, I heard a chant… Yankees Suck! YANKEES Suck! YANKEES SUCKKKKK!!!!
The 10-year-old in me was reawoken, and my $20 off using code “SkippersView” was saved for another day. The rivalry felt alive again, and from there on, the Red Sox didn’t let the Yankees breathe. Bases loaded, no outs? Not a problem. Aaron Judge and Juan Soto? Not a problem. Alex Verdguo? Hit the ball to him all night he can’t do anything.
So, my biggest takeaway is yes, for the first time in a few years, I felt like it was 2004. A franchise record for stolen bases in a game is cool, but embarrassing the “best” team in baseball on primetime is priceless.
What I Loved
Triston Casas’ Interview
A few months ago, I tried to line up a Triston Casas interview for the podcast. Probably picked a bad time to do it as the season was starting, but his agency was awesome and took my phone call anyway. After watching Triston’s interview last night, I now will make it my life’s work to get him on our podcast. That is a promise.
I was with Brett the other day, and we were about to partake in some athletic competition. I said, “We will take the girl and even it out.” Shocked, he said, “What cause you were fast ten years ago means you are more athletic than us?” Yes, that is exactly what it means. Give me a speedster over a guy who can bench 200 any day of the week. There is a good chance Jose Trevino is buried in a hole somewhere after the Red Sox ran all over him.
David Hamilton
He is tied for 5th in Stolen Bases with 100 fewer ABs than everyone else, and a better average than all except Bobby Witt Jr. Will that average keep up? Who knows. But, gun to my head, right now, June 17th, give me David Hamilton over Elly De La Cruz for the rest of the season.
Connor Wong
Top Five catcher in baseball. Cora needs to get him more ABS at this point. I like McGuire, but Wong should be an everyday guy, and when his knees need a break, DH him.
What I Was "Mid" About
What I Didn't Love
The Yankees cause they suck.
Brayan Bello
Feels like he has really fallen off. Has a 5.00 ERA on the season. Something needs to change.
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