Since last season ended, we have gained a few thousand followers who may not know what our team here at The Skippers View looks like. So, I will now re-introduce everyone! First, I will do a quick intro…
The Skippers View was founded a few years ago by Brett and me as a way to put the time Brett would blabber to me about fantasy on the phone to good use. It started as a website and now has expanded to audio, video, and a pretty fun twitter presence. While we are still small, although we have gone viral for some controversial Wander Franco tweets, we love the partners we have brought in over the last six months that have helped create our little baseball community.
So what I will do is give a quick overview of what each of us does and where to find everyone. Make sure to give everyone a follow if you don’t already!
Dean Ciriaco
Favorite Team: Boston Red Sox
What I Do:
I run TSV's social media, YouTube, and website.
I also produce, edit, and co-host the TSV Podcast.
Our Chat GPT writer, Casey Byte, is prompted and “owned” by me.
I am the editor-in-chief and writer for the TSV blog.
YouTube and Podcast
Favorite Team: New York Yankees
Where To Find Him:
Co-host & Producer for TSV Podcast, Commissioner of The Skippers View Fantasy Dynasty League, Writes for TSV.
Twitter- SkippsviewBrett
Discuss Baseball (Sam Fosberg)
Favorite Team: Boston Red Sox
Where To Find Him:
Co-host of the TSV podcast and writer for the TSV website.
Twitter: DiscussBaseball
Mikey OC
Favorite Team: New York Mets
Where To Find Him:
Weekly blogs on TSV website.
Twitter: MclovinOC8
OverDue Sports
Favorite Team: Whatever Team They Are Betting On
Where To Find Them:
Weekly blogs on TSV and their website,