It has been exactly a year since me and Brett sat down and decided to start and go full throttle on The Skippers View. So, I want to share what the goals were that I set on social media, what I hit, and what I want 2024 to look like.
I think the number that is most embarrassing is time spent on Twitter. I wrote down my screen time every week for my screentime on my Twitter app. In total between my phone and computer I spent 780 hours (32.5 days) on Twitter this past year. In most scenarios I would punch myself in the face for this. However, I genuinely feel like it was time well spent. I was not on there watching stupid 6 second videos or looking at memes. I was building a community and making relationships with people around the country who share a similar interest.
Overall, I am pretty happy with how this year went. I’ve said it before, at the end of the day I just want to go to Fenway Park and interview a player. Could be the last guy on the roster and I wouldn’t care.
I just want to give a quick thank you to the following people who have helped us out this year.
Greg Monroe
John C
Mikey OC
Adam Lazarus, Dan Evans, Erin Carlson, Joe Posnanski, and Scott Bush. (All amazing people to interview)
No Dowd About It Team
C&T Cards(did all the logos and intros check him out on Twitter)
And most importantly the fans!
So, for those who like to see behind the curtain here is all the goals from this year, how we did, and what I want next year to look like!
2023 Goals
These were written on December 28th 2023
2022 Twitter followers = 58 / 2023 goal = 500
2022 Website visits = 1700 / 2023 goal = 10,000
2022 impressions = 1,227,000 / 2023 goal = 5,000,000
2022 Tweets = 2,150 / 2023 goal = 5,000
2022 Dean Ciriaco impressions = 100,000 / 2023 goal = 200,000
2022 Dean Ciriaco tweets = 400 / 2023 goal = 700
At the time I felt that growth would be slow. I didn’t realize once you hook into the algorithm how much more visible we would be. I also would be remised to say that Twitter Blue did not help in this process. Whether people agree with the concept or not. When you see a blue checkmark your brain still thinks it is a real company or person. So, having it on all our main accounts was a big help.
2023 Final Numbers
The Skippers View
Twitter Followers = 7.6K
Tweets = 7,115
Twitter Impressions = 25.6 million
Twitter Engagement = 159,200 likes
Diamond Centric
Diamond Centric Followers = 2.5k
Diamond Centric Impressions = 1.3 million
Dean Ciriaco Followers = 4.6k
Dean Ciriaco Impressions = 3.8 million
Website Numbers
Website Visits = 35,219
Website Subscribers = 411
Tyler’s Blogs = 93
Tyler’s Blog Views = 10,798 views
I am happy where the website numbers ended up falling this year. From January to May it was just me writing on the website. I felt like it was important to fill the website with something so that people would click on the site and not see it empty. Yes, that meant writing some blogs that just went into a void and were never seen.
For the Twitter I am of course shocked that those were the numbers I ended up with. Turning on notifications for the big accounts was huge in allowing me to be quick to reply and post on any news. It also allowed me to not have Twitter open 24/7 lol.
2024 Goals
Twitter Followers = 7.6K (EOY 2024 = 20K)
Twitter Impressions = 40 million impressions
Twitter Engagement = 200k likes
Diamond Centric
Diamond Centric Followers = 5k
Diamond Centric Impressions = 5 million
Diamond Centric Engagement = 50k likes
Dean Ciriaco Followers = 7k
Dean Ciriaco Impressions = 10 million
Website Numbers
Website Visits = 60,000 clicks
Website Subscribers = 700
Tyler’s Blogs = 75
Tyler’s Blog Views = 20,000
Outside of numbers I simply want to build a nice little community inside the baseball world. I feel that I already have with the team we have put together the past few months. Selfishly, I also want to get a player on the podcast to interview hehe. As always, subscribe below so I can quit my job.